Dear facebook Friends and Family,

Dear facebook Friends and Family,

You may have noticed I've ramped up my facebook intensity recently, and am becoming increasingly political, if not outright revolutionary.  Many of you may be tempted to block my presence from your News Feed due to this inundation (however I try to to keep it feel-good, and not just ranty).  Before you do, I would like to explain a few things. 

I am a stay at home Mum, who enjoys painting, crafting, gardening and working occasionally as a writer and editor.  I was recently asked by a friend if I am "active" anymore in the work I have previously done to bring about social and political change in Canada and my local communities.  I replied that I have been engaged as an organic farmer/gardener, which seems to me a worthwhile demonstration of my values, and proves how hard I am willing to work to put them into practice ;)  But no, having moved out of the City, I am no longer very active in demonstrations or initiatives or groups to drive change.

A few weeks ago, another lifelong friend asked if I was content being a stay-at-home Mum, given that I had always had a reputation of having a great mind, and many people had expectations for me to do great things in this world.  Again, I was a little sad to report that, indeed, I am frustrated at not having done much to prove these well-wishers right in the past few years, especially since beginning my journey into motherhood.  She and I have resolved to start a writing group with the objective of publishing our work within a year; which we are pursuing and which may turn into great things, as I believe my greatest strength is in written communication. But no, in a word, I am not content.

My goals for this life are enormous.  I believe I was born into a position of great privilege and freedom (as compared to other places and times in history), and have gained knowledge and access to knowledge which necessitate a great degree of responsibility.  I intend help facilitate the transition from the corporatist, destructive, and soul-less military-industrial ideology that has driven Canada and the rest of the world to the brink of environmental, social and economic insanity; to a new paradigm where technological innovation combine with a mindful population and accountable governance on local and national levels, to create a working system which demonstrates respect for maintaining balance in the Earth's ecosystems regarding every action humans undertake on Earth.

That is why I am very very encouraged by the Idle No More movement, Anonymous, Occupy and various other like-minded uprisings occurring simultaneously on our planet at this time.  I believe we are on the brink of witnessing a great change, and soon a critical mass of support will tip the balance and the new paradigm will begin to be realized.  It may seem as though the mainstream population is not yet on-board; however I believe that there are stirrings in the hearts of many that want to believe that a new way is not only possible, but it is already on its way.  We can only hope this is true, for the sake of our children and all future generations.

And so, because it is what I know how to do, I will write to express my opinions which are based on the truths I am made aware of, and share them with as many others as I may reach.  I will also share the brilliance and humor and observations of others.  This means my facebook friends will probably see a lot more of me. Please don't block me out.  I believe that sharing this information is one of the best ways we have of uniting intention and action across the globe, and now is the the time to do it.  I promise to keep it light and fun, at the same time as dramatic and thought-provoking.  I will try to keep it constructive and hopeful, respectful and compassionate; but with the understanding that the current systems are outdated, outmoded, corrupt, destructive, inhumane, damaging and dirty; it may not always come across as 'nice'.  And I hope that sometimes, what I share will ring with truth, and stir something in your heart.

Social media is amazing.  The interconnectivity of the inter-web is palpable evidence of the living web which unites us all; in which one persons' actions and vibrations have an impact on everyone, everywhere, together.  I hope that the change is multiplied and compounded by your presence, and that you are also brave enough to share what you truly believe in. I bet that I will 'like' it too :)

Love & Light & Respect



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