What is this Revolution all about?

We all can all see the need for change in the way the planet is being controlled and managed. We are inundated with the horrifying images of violence, poverty, oppression, and environmental destruction that result from conditions of inequality, injustice, and exploitation.

For many years those of us living in relative comfort have been able to turn a blind eye to the suffering our “systems” are creating for humans and for the Earth. But now we are waking up.

We see that the top 1% of wealth-holders (the elite) in our world are using their immense economic power to manipulate our governments into creating conditions in which their wealth can continue to grow, with no responsibility being borne for the costs to the environment, society, human rights, or global peace.

The Elite appear to have no regard for the suffering their greed is creating for the remaining 99% (the grassroots). They perpetrate the outright exploitation of workers, both at home - where the lowest paid workers are fighting just to have the minimum wage set at a level which is formulated the be the least a person can live on and maintain the necessities of life (a LIVING WAGE); and also abroad - where literal slavery still exists, where children and the elderly toil, and where workers often do not enjoy the labour protections we have established and practice in the global north and west.

Even fundamental human rights, as established by international agreement, are being denied when they get in the way of profit.

The environment is being stripped of its natural resources at unprecedented and wholly unsustainable rates.

We are being led to consume and consume, to buy and to spend more and more into an economy that is only a game of imagination played by men in closed boardrooms, where money is manufactured at the whim of the bankers. They are creating catastrophic debt that cripples nations as well as families - that causes people to lose their homes, their livelihoods, and their lives with one stroke of the pen.

Among the most outrageous actions of the elite, is that they have managed to have laws and policies set that allow them to avoid proportionate taxation, whether by sheltering their wealth in international holdings, hiding it within corporations, or creating and then exploiting loopholes in the laws that govern such remittance. As a result, the low- and middle-income earners face a disproportionately higher tax burden because the top level refuses to remit it's fair share. It is robbing from the poor to feed the rich, and it has to stop.

And stop it we shall. There are ways for the people to take back the power from the elite and return it to the grassroots. When we organize, gather the collective will to usher in a system based on ensuring human rights instead of assuring greed, we can change our governments and the larger systems of economy which control our lives in so many ways.

We can demand systems of PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION that fairly represent the constituents of a region and a nation; that allow for a diversity of opinions to be heard and included in decision making.

We can make laws requiring CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY in it’s many forms, be mandatory in order to operate businesses within our world.

We can TAX THE ESTATES OF THE ELITE and bring that money back where it belongs – in helping support the critical infrastructure and social programs which in turn support the whole of society.

We can DEMAND INTERNATIONAL DISARMAMENT, we can ostracize and persecute those who incite war. We can stop terrorism in it’s tracks by refusing to participate in the terrorism of others.

We can encourage alignment with benchmark standards of HUMAN RIGHTS, and establish embargoes and trade restrictions (on non-essential goods) with nations that refuse to align with policies to protect persons and ensure environmental integrity.

We can insist that our government support industries based on RENEWABLE ENERGIES, and to stop subsidizing industries which cause unmitigated harm to the environment we share.

We can adopt systems of resource distribution which are more EQUAL, and less exploitive of the poor, who are often the producers of said resources.

We can move away from encouraging violence in “programming” and reshape the objectives of media to INFORM AND ENLIGHTEN.

There are many, many more actions that will help constitute the NEW PARADIGM. I ask you to join us in gathering these solutions together and presenting them as a united front. In using the spirit of compassion to guide our policy decisions. In replacing systems of tyranny, oligarchy, and monopoly with systems of COOPERATION, JUSTICE, AND EQUALITY.

The time for change is now. Be the change you wish to see in the world. UNITE in the Grassroots Revolution to establish that we will not be controlled by the few. For when we join together as the many, we are powerful beyond measure. Be one movement.


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